Club members Lindsay Bellville, Jim Bellville, Shaun Barnes, Art Trombley, Kathy Ellor at the August 2023 Take-A-Break fundraiser at the Vermont Welcome Center.
Brattleboro Bike Day
Winter Take-A-Break
Kathy Ellor taking a quick rest after getting everything set up for the day.Mac & Cheese and Beef Stew waiting for some hungry travelersMore goodies heating up including hot apple ciderBagels donated by Bruegger’s Bagels in BrattleboroBaked goods to be given outSome homemade Rice Krispie treats.Shaun Barnes, Art Trombley, and Kathy Ellor using some time between rushes to put together baby safety kits to be donated to BMH to be handed out to new parentsBaby Safety Kits being donated to Brattleboro Memorial HospitalMore goodies to be given away to hungry travelers
Golfing Fore Children
Photo courtesy of Matrix of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Rachel of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Matrix of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Matrix of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Rachel of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Rachel of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Rachel of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Rachel of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Rachel of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Rachel of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Rachel of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Thaddeus of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Rachel of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Thaddeus of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Thaddeus of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Thaddeus of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Thaddeus of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Charlie of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Charlie of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Genevieve of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Milo of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Milo of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Milo of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Matrix of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Charlie of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Genevieve of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Matrix of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Rachel of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Matrix of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Matrix of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Matrix of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Rachel of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Genevieve of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Rachel of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Matrix of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023Photo courtesy of Rachel of the In-Sight Photography Project 2023