
The Kiwanis Club of Brattleboro Vermont is a service organization comprised of caring people from all walks of life. Our objective is to bring aid to children in need. The majority of our efforts benefit children in this community. A portion of the funds we raise go to help meet Kiwanis International objectives which focus on the special needs of young children worldwide. Kiwanis Internationally is credited w/ the campaign which has wiped out Iodine Deficiency Disorder or IDD globally.  It now tackles International issues through its network including the fight to wipe out Maternal Neonatal Tetanus which plagues many third world nations.

Locally, we serve by sponsoring fund raising activities, which provide monetary support for educational scholarships, and for children’s programs, through personal involvement in the giving of our time and skills. Anyone interested in serving others will feel very welcome here.

Learn more about the club in the history section.

You may donate online via Venmo...


We meet the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month @ 6:00 PM at Ramunto’s on the Exit 3 Circle, Brattleboro VT. Come join us. Email us at BrattKiwanis@gmail.com if you would like to participate.

Five people standing under a Kiwanis banner
Club members Lindsay Bellville, Jim Bellville, Shaun Barnes, Art Trombley, Kathy Ellor at the August 2023 Take-A-Break fundraiser at the Vermont Welcome Center.